


Delegates are governmental officials of the member countries of the IMF and the WBG. Delegates are registered through the IMF and WBG Offices of Executive Directors. If you have any questions about Delegates registration, please forward your inquiries to:

To initiate the registration process, please complete the online form at the link below.

Delegate Registration Request >
Observers are the representatives of the observer institutions with continuing interest in, or significance to, the IMF and the WBG invited by the Organizations as Observers to the Annual Meetings. If you have any questions about Observer registration, please forward your inquiries to:

To initiate the registration process, please complete the online form at the link below.

Observer Registration Request >
Members of the Press with valid credentials are invited to attend the Meetings. All working Press must have Annual Meetings credentials to attend the meetings. To be accredited, you must present one of the following:

1. Valid press credentials issued by national governments or authorities;          
2. Clear evidence that you are on assignment from a specific news organization or publication. This applies to all freelancers, including photographers. A valid assignment letter from that news organization, or publication, is required. Photographic agencies must provide clear evidence from a client news organization or publication.

If such credentials are not held, or are in question, it will be at the discretion of the IMF and the WBG to determine whether access to the Annual Meetings is granted.  If you have any questions about Press registration, please forward your inquiries to:

Press Registration Request >
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) include non-governmental organizations, community groups, labor unions, indigenous peoples movements, faith based organizations, professional associations, foundations, think tanks, charitable organizations, and other not-for-profit organizations. If you have any questions about the Annual Meetings and/or are interested in organizing a dialogue session within the Civil Society Policy Forum, please forward your enquiries to: or

All CSO representatives interested in participating in the Annual Meetings must obtain individual accreditation. The online registration system to accept applications for Civil Society accreditation will open on July 28, 2014 and will close on September 22, 2014. Accreditation will not be granted after this deadline, thus CSO representatives are encouraged to apply early for accreditation.  

As in previous years, the Civil Society Program, a program of events for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), will be held during the Meetings. It will include a CSO Orientation on the IMF and WBG, CSO Roundtable with Executive Directors, CSO Townhall and Reception with the heads of the IMF and WBG, and the Civil Society Policy Forum. Information on the Program and the schedule of sessions will be posted on the Bank Civil Society website by mid-August.  

CSO Registration Request >
Other participants are members of the Private Sector, Academia or Former Employees of the IMF and WBG. All registration requests must be accredited based on the policies and procedures that govern the attendance of Guests. To avoid delays, all participants are strongly encouraged to apply for accreditation by September 2014.  

Private Sector
Representatives from financial institutions and banks, commercial enterprises, consulting and contractor firms who have interest in the operations and affairs of the IMF and the WBG are invited to apply for accreditation at the 2014 Annual Meetings by completing the online Registration Request Form.  

University professors, academicians, researchers, faculty members, students who have research and educational interest in the operations and affairs of the IMF and the WBG are invited to apply for Guest accreditation at the 2014 Annual Meetings by completing the online Registration Request Form.  In addition, an endorsement letter from the Head of Department or Vice Chancellor of the University confirming status in the University and stating academic interest is required for all academia representatives. The supporting documentation should be submitted in either Acrobat or Word format to the Guest Registration Office at the time of the original submission of the Registration Request Form. Registration requests without supporting documentation will not be considered for the 2014 Annual Meetings accreditation.  

IMF and WBG Former Employees
Former IMF and WBG staff members who continue to have business interest in the affairs of both organizations are invited to apply for accreditation at the 2014 Annual Meetings by completing the online  Registration Request Form.

Please allow at least two weeks for a registration request to be processed.If you have any questions about registration for other participants, please forward your enquires to:  OR Telephone: +1 (202) 458 0264 (Monday – Friday 11:00 – 15:00 US Eastern Daylight Time).

Other Participants Registration Request >