Attendance of the IMF and WBG Spring Meetings is by invitation only. All participants must be accredited in advance of the Meetings.
To facilitate accreditation and registration, the participants are divided into different categories, described at this link. Please determine your registration category and submit your registration request accordingly.
PRE-ARRIVAL: Obtaining a visa to attend the Spring Meetings
All participants should ensure that passports are valid for at least six months from the date of entry and consult information provided by the U.S. Department of State for the latest information on visas and entry requirements. Additional information regarding visa and travel restrictions can be found at the Department of Homeland Security.
If visas are required, applications should be made as early as possible to allow sufficient time for processing.
Each authorized registrant attending in person will receive a confirmation letter. It is not required to show invitation/registration confirmation letter upon visa application, although in the past that was helpful for some attendees to acquire the visa.
Registration desk and badges pick-up
Badges will be issued from the I Building Registration Desk. Registration will be open Sunday, April 14, 12:00 noon to 5:00 PM, Monday, April 15, 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM, and Tuesday, April 16, through Saturday, April 20, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM (times subject to change). Badges will allow entry into the campus beginning on Monday, April 15.
All registered participants must show their registration confirmation email, and photo ID to registration staff in order to pick-up their Spring Meetings badge.
Spring Meetings identification badges must bear a current photograph of the registrant: participants must be photographed and obtain their individual registration badge. Spring Meetings registration badges will be required prior to entry into the Spring Meetings venues.
A satellite registration desk, for the use of IMF Executive Directors offices only, will be located in the lobby of the IMF HQ2 Building.
Hours of operation will be as follows:
- Sunday, April 14, from noon to 5:00 pm
- Monday April 15, from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm
- Tuesday, April 16 to Friday, April 19, from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm
- Saturday April 20, from 8:00 am to noon.
Spring Meetings badge will permit entry into the IMF HQ1 and HQ2 and World Bank MC, J, I, and F Buildings. The tunnel between IMF HQ1 and MC will be available for Fund/Bank/ED staff and Spring Meetings badge holders to move between the buildings. Please be advised that from April 15 to April 20, everyone, including Spring Meetings badge holders, will be subject to magnetometer and x-ray screening before entering Fund/Bank facilities. Screening lines move quickly, but individuals should allow extra time for this process to arrive on time for a scheduled meeting.
The Spring Meetings badge will be valid from Monday, April 15 through Saturday, April 20, 2024. For delegates only, Spring Meetings badges will allow access through Friday, April 26.
Press Badges grant access to the press room, press conferences, and press briefings. Members of the press must be accompanied by a staff escort within office areas at all times. Members of the press requiring building access after April 20 must comply with IMF/WBG visitor procedures.
All participants must present their Spring Meetings photo identification badges or IMF/WBG staff badges to enter through the perimeter checkpoints. A badge should always be displayed inside the security perimeter. It is not advisable, however, to wear identification badges in public outside the perimeter, especially if there are demonstrators nearby.
Anyone attending Spring Meetings’ events while the security perimeter is in place from Wednesday, April 17, through Friday, April 19, must be registered and have a Spring Meetings badge.
For emergencies outside the IMF/WBG buildings, dial 911.
Spring Meetings badges will provide access to the IMF HQ1 and HQ2 buildings and WBG MC, J, I, and F buildings. The Fund and Bank buildings will only be open to Fund/Bank staff and Spring Meetings badge holders.
IMF Buildings
IMF HQ 1 - 700 19th Street, NW
- ATM (Level 1)
- Business Center Conference Rooms (Levels Red-10)
- Cafe (Level 2)
- IMF Today Studio (Level 1, Atrium)
- Green Space (Level 1, Atrium)
- Green Counter (Level 1, Atrium)
- Exhibits (Level 1-2)
- Experience DC Counter (Level 1, Atrium)
- Fund Publications (Level 1, Atrium and Gallery, Red Level)
- Gift Shop (Level 1, Lobby)
- ICD Booth (Level 1, Atrium)
- Information (Level 1, Lobby)
- Lactation Room (Level 3, 3-320A)
- Networking Lounge (Level 1, Atrium and Plaza, Gallery, Red Level)
IMF HQ 2 - 1900 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- ATM (Level 1)
- Banking Services (Level 1)
- Bistro (Level 2)
- Business Center (Level 3)
- Business Center Conference rooms (Levels 3-12)
- Cafe (Level 2)
- CSO Lounge (Level 3)
- Exhibit (Levels 1-2)
- Gift Shop (Level 1, Atrium)
- Information (Level 1)
- Lactation Room (Level 6, 06-358)
- Press Center (Level 2)
- Quiet Room (11-378)
- Thailand 2026 Booth (Level 1, Atrium)
WBG Buildings
Main Complex (MC) Building – 1818 H Street, NW
- Spring Meetings Store (Lobby, Level 1)
- ATM (Lobby & Level C1)
- Atrium Coffee Bar (Level 2)
- Banking Services (Level C2)
- Business Center Conference Rooms (Levels 2-11)
- Business Lounge (Lobby, Level 1)
- Café Nation (Level C1)
- Cafeteria/ Global Hall (Level C1)
- Executive Dining Room (Level C1)
- Information Desk (Lobby, Level 1)
- Knowledge Cafe (Lobby, Level 1)
- Medstar Clinic (Level C2)
- Thailand 2026 Booth (Level C1)
- World Bank Publications (Lobby, Level 1)
F Building – 2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- ATM (Pennsylvania Avenue and L Street Lobbies)
- Cafeteria (Level K)
- Café (Level 1)
J Building - 701 18th Street, NW
- Business Center Conference Rooms (Levels 2-11)
- Business Lounge (Lobby, Level 1)
- Cafeteria (Level 1)
I Building – 1850 I Street, NW
- Registration (Level 1)
- CSO Forum (Level 2)
- Café (Level 2)
- Cafeteria (Level 1)
The IMF and World Bank Group are committed to providing access to events and supporting Spring/Annual Meetings participants with disabilities. For the IMF, questions about accessibility can be directed to For the Bank, questions about accessibility can be directed to
Getting Around the IMF buildings
- IMF HQ buildings are accessible; exterior doors and restrooms have wave to open doors openers.
- IMF HQ buildings are equipped with restrooms and water fountains that are wheelchair accessible.
- Individuals requiring mobility assistance in an emergency should contact IMF Security Services upon arrival by calling +1-202-623-6740, or send an email to
- The IMF Can provide wheelchairs upon request, on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact for more details
Getting Around the Bank MC building
- Bank buildings are ADA accessible; exterior doors and key conference areas have ADA push-button openers.
- Elevators serve all areas of the building. MC building elevators have braille labels on the panels and elevators with vocal prompts are located in the SE and SW corners of the building.
- Bank buildings are equipped with restrooms and water fountains that are wheelchair accessible.
- Wheelchairs or motorized scooters can be rented from Lenox Medical Supply. All arrangements should be made directly with the provider.
- Individuals requiring mobility assistance in an emergency should advise the WBG security guards upon arrival or call security +1-202-458-8888 in advance to provide their name and dates they will be on-site.
Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation to Attend IMF- Sponsored Events in Washington, DC.
By request, the IMF provides reasonable accommodations for attendees with a disability to attend IMF-sponsored events located in Washington, DC. To discuss a need, contact the Fund Workplace Accommodations Team at The team will respond to all emails within 24 hours of receipt.
If you are requesting special technical services including sign interpretation, please give a minimum of 3 weeks of lead time.
Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation to Attend IMF- Sponsored Events in Washington, DC.
By request, the IMF provides reasonable accommodations for attendees with a disability to attend IMF-sponsored events located in Washington, DC. To discuss a need, contact the Fund Workplace Accommodations Team at The team will respond to all emails within 24 hours of receipt.
If you are requesting special technical services including sign interpretation, please give a minimum of 3 weeks of lead time.
Bilateral Meetings/Business Center Conference Rooms
Business Center Conference Rooms will be available in the IMF’s HQ1 and HQ2 buildings, as well as the WBG’s J and MC buildings. In the IMF, they can be reserved through the Book a Meeting page on IMF Connect, by phone at (202) 623-0678, or via email at These conference rooms can be reserved in 30-minute windows for up to two hours.
Delegations requiring conference space in the IMF buildings should contact Alena Martens by e-mail at or by phone at (202) 623-5986.
The World Bank will have Sixty-five (65) Business Center Conference Rooms which will be available for bilateral meetings of up to 40 people. The furniture layouts in these rooms cannot be customized or moved. Limited IT/AV support will be available to help connect to virtual meetings. Reservations for Business Center Conference Rooms can be made via the World Bank’s EMS system. Those without access to EMS can use this Meeting Request Form and submit it using the button on the bottom of the form.
Business/Networking Lounges
There will be Business Networking Lounges to provide spaces for small impromptu meetings in the IMF HQ1 building (Atrium and Plaza) and HQ2 3rd floor and WBG MC and J building front lobbies. The HQ1 Delegates Lounge is unattended and will have printing and working stations with power outlets. The HQ2 Delegates Lounge (co-located with the Business Center) will be staffed from 8 am to 6 pm, Monday, April 15 through Saturday, April 20, and will have a photocopier and working stations with US plug outlets.
The World Bank will have two business lounge locations (in the lobbies of the MC and J buildings) with lounge and table seating for informal meetings or to work between meetings. The Lounges will be available from Monday, April 15 through Saturday, April 20, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm daily. The MC Business Lounge will be equipped with a pair of guest computers with local printers, a copier, and international power strips to charge devices.
Food and Beverage
Information Desks
For the IMF: Information desks, located in HQ1 and HQ2, will be open from Monday, April 15, through Saturday, April 20, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm. For assistance, contact
For the World Bank: The information desk in the MC lobby will be open from Monday, April 15, through Saturday, April 20. An information desk will also be located in the I building, near the Registration area. Information Assistants may be reached by sending an email to
Lactation Rooms
Lactation rooms are available in HQ1 (Level 3, room 320A) and HQ2 (Level 6, room 358). Participants can request to use the lactation rooms by sending an email to Babatunde Olufon at
Official Documents
For the IMF: All official documents and members’ statements will be published on IMF Connect, including the IMF Flagship Publications, and documents and statements for the IMFC. Publicly available IMFC documents and statements will also be made available on IMF Connect for all participants. For assistance with submitting or accessing official documents please contact the Documents Team by email at or by phone at (202) 623-6760.
For the World Bank Group: Documents and statements related to the Development Committee will be distributed through the DC Secretariat. Publicly available Development Committee documents will be posted on the DC website.
Other Document Related Services
Document Translations - Requests for translation of Spring Meetings-related documents should be submitted through the usual channels established for IMF/WBG translation requests. Should you require additional information or experience any difficulty in submitting your translation requests, please contact the usual channel for each institution.
For the IMF: please write to the Chief Translator's Office at
For the World Bank Group: please write to the Translation Unit at
For the IMF: The IMF Publications Program will have a display in the HQ1 Red level Tunnel and Info counter in HQ1-Atrium from Monday, April 15, through Friday, April 19.
For the World Bank Group: World Bank publications are available for free downloads from the Open Knowledge Repository. Also, Bank publications can be purchased at the WBG Bookstore in the World Bank MC Building lobby or from The WBG Bookstore will operate from Tuesday, April 16, through Saturday, April 20. Browse the WBG Publications for the most recent titles.
Wi-Fi Access
Complimentary Wi-Fi Access will be available in all venues during the week of the Spring Meetings. In the IMF buildings, a Wi-Fi passcode is not required. In the Bank Buildings, the Wi-Fi network is AMGuest; no passcode is required.
Gift Shop
For the IMF: IMF branded products can be found on the official Souvenirs link. To purchase any of the items available, please visit the IMF Gift counter in the Lobby area of HQ1 and HQ2 or send an email with your request to
Hours will be 10:00am – 5:00pm (Tuesday to Friday) and 10:00am – 4:00pm (Saturday).
For the World Bank Group: World Bank Group souvenirs, logoed items, and various sundries will be available in the Spring Meetings Store in the MC lobby, and at Café Nation located on the MCC1 level. Hours for the Spring Meetings Store will be 10:00am – 5:00pm (Tuesday to Friday) and 10:00am – 4:00pm (Saturday); Hours for Café Nation will be 9:00am – 5:30pm (Monday through Friday) and 7:30am – 3:00pm (Saturday).
Green Meetings
The IMF is increasingly embedding environmental sustainability considerations into decision making for its business operations. With the establishment in 2021 of an Environmental Sustainability Council, led by senior staff, the IMF is putting greater emphasis on the Fund’s own carbon footprint and ways to mitigate its operational impact, while continuing to effectively serve the membership. Recent efforts have included removal of plastic in food operations, changes in building operations to lower energy usage, and implementation of a hybrid work model that significantly reduces employee commuting. Some emissions are unavoidable to support the membership and the IMF is fully offsetting its emissions through UNFCCC certified carbon offsets.
In line with our organizational mission and the Sustainable Development Goals, the World Bank has implemented a campus-wide waste disposal system to improve recycling and composting efforts and reduce waste sent to landfill. We encourage you to help reduce our overall environmental footprint. In the common areas on each floor of the buildings, you will find four color-coded collection bins with detailed signage indicating what materials are to be placed in each.
Security Information
During the week of the 2024 Spring Meetings, there will be an increased police presence around IMF/World Bank headquarters buildings. In the event of an emergency, please follow the instructions of security and law enforcement officials. Please note the access arrangements for the Spring Meetings:
Monday, April 15 - Wednesday, April 17 and Saturday, April 20:
All Spring Meetings attendees entering HQ buildings will be subject to magnetometer and x-ray screening. Individuals with IMF/World Bank hard badges can bypass screening at all entrances.
- HQ1 19th Street entrance: Spring Meetings badge holders will be screened.
- HQ1 Visitor’s Center: Visitors will be screened.
- HQ2 19th Street entrance: Staff entrance only.
- HQ2 Visitor’s Center (Press Only entrance): Press will be screened.
- HQ2 Pennsylvania Avenue entrance: Visitors and Spring Meetings badge holders will be screened.
- HQ2 Credit Union entrance: Staff entrance only.
- HQ1 and HQ2 tunnel: Staff, visitors, and Spring Meetings badge holders may pass without screening.
- HQ1 and World Bank tunnel: Staff, visitors and Spring Meetings badge holders may pass without screening.
- WB MC North and East Entrances: Spring Meetings badge holders will be screened.
- WB MC South and West Entrances: Staff entrance only.
Thursday, April 18 - Friday, April 19:
A security perimeter will be in place around the IMF HQ 1 & 2 buildings and World Bank MC building from Thursday, April 18, through Friday evening, April 19.
Perimeter entry points for IMF/World Bank badge and Spring Meetings badge holders will be set up at the IMF’s HQ2 Entrance (corner of 19th Street/Pennsylvania Ave) and World Bank’s MC South Entrance (G Street) and MC Visitor Center Entrance (18th Street/Pennsylvania Ave). IMF/World Bank badge holders only can also enter the perimeter through the IMF’s HQ2 Credit Union Entrance (H Street).
During this time:
- Access will be limited to those carrying a Spring Meetings or Fund/Bank badge.
- Spring Meetings badge holders entering the security perimeter will be subject to magnetometer/x-ray screening – please allow extra time for this process.
- Individuals with IMF/World Bank hard badges can bypass screening at all entrances.
- Visitor passes will not be issued for the IMF’s and World Bank’s MC and J buildings.
- Delegation cars or other private vehicles will not be allowed to enter the security perimeter; only law enforcement vehicles or police-escorted motorcades will be allowed into the security perimeter. Delegation cars may drop off at perimeter entry points.
Perimeter Exit Points:
- 19th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue
- 18th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue
- World Bank Main Complex G Street Exit
- 19th Street and G Street
- 20th Street and H Street
On Monday, April 22:
Access restrictions will revert to normal work week access procedures for IMF and World Bank personnel. Spring Meetings Delegate badge holders will be screened at HQ Visitor Centers. Regular visitor pass rules apply. Members of the press requiring building access after April 20 must comply with IMF/World Bank visitor procedures.
Emergency Guidelines
In an emergency, the buildings may be evacuated, or you may be told to remain indoors until the situation has been resolved. In either instance, you will be notified by public address announcement, messages on digital signage/video monitors, or by security personnel.
If you are mobility-impaired and cannot evacuate, call the Emergency Response number listed below or seek assistance using one of the emergency phones located in every stairwell on each floor of both IMF buildings.
In case of fire or smoke in the building:
In case of smoke or fire, do not wait for a public announcement - leave immediately via the established evacuation routes, following the security staff’s instructions. In an emergency at the IMF buildings call +1-202-623-9911 and at the World Bank building call +1-202-458-8888.
Visibly display your Spring Meetings badge at all times inside the venues. Keep your badge in a secure place when outside the security perimeter, but readily accessible in order to display upon request at security checkpoints.
- Immediately report the loss of your Spring Meetings badge to security.
- Do not leave laptops, mobile phones, or other personal items unattended.
During the 2024 Spring Meetings, there will be no dedicated transportation service between the airports and the Meetings Campus or Official Hotels. Participants are advised to arrange for their own transportation.
Parking will not be available in Fund/Bank buildings for delegations. Please make alternative arrangements at the public garages or street parking.
Public transportation is available (see below):
- TAXI: Please arrange with your hotel concerning local taxi service.
Attendees can also avail themselves of alternative transportation options throughout the city, including Capital Bikeshare and ride-hailing services such as Uber and Lyft.
Hotel blocks have been secured at nearby hotels.
Please note the following important dates:
• Wednesday, February 7 – Delegations can begin making reservations directly with hotels for the 2024 Spring Meetings.
• Wednesday, February 21 – Room blocks at hotels are open to all other Meetings participants.
• Wednesday, March 27 – Unreserved rooms within hotel blocks will be released. New reservations or changes will be subject to availability and higher rates.
Rooms are subject to availability and higher rates may apply.
- Hotel information for direct reservations
- Hotel procedures
- Hotel map
Any questions on the delegation hotel should be directed by e-mail to or
There are 3 international airports serving the Washington, D.C. area:
• Dulles International Airport
• Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport
• Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport
For information on travel to Washington D.C., please view the official District of Columbia government website.
For the latest travel status, vaccination details and what’s new in Washington, DC, visit
Emergency Contacts
FOR EMERGENCIES OUTSIDE THE VENUES: Dial 911 for police/fire/medical
Emergency: 202-623-9911 (IMF) /
202-458-8888 (WBG)
Medical Services: 202-458-0822
Thomas Bonaker
(202) 623-6745
IMF Spring Meetings Website |
IMF Spring Meetings Information Desk |
IMF Corporate Website |
World Bank Spring Meetings Website |
World Bank General Inquiries/Bank Corporate Secretariat Conferences Office|
World Bank Group Corporate Website |