Climate Change


A Critical Year for Climate Action: Conversation between Kristalina Georgieva and John Kerry

New Economy Forum:

iLab Workshop on Climate-related Data and Disclosures 



This workshop to have an open exchange between experts from public and private organizations, to sketch ways to improve climate data collection and discuss way to foster robust, consistent and comparable climate data and promote convergence toward climate global standards and disclosures.


Fiscal Forum Panel on Climate Change and the Urgency of a Green Recovery:



The IMF’s New Climate Change Indicators Dashboard: Experimental Data for Economic and Financial Analysis


Event description: The IMF’s new Climate Change Indicators Dashboard (CID) provides access to climate-related data for macroeconomic and financial analysis. It includes economic and climate indicators such as greenhouse gas emissions; financial, physical and transition risk indicators such as carbon footprint-adjusted loans; cross-border indicators; and policy indicators. The dashboard was built in collaboration with international organizations and aims to support policy makers and the general public, in addition to the IMF’s work. This talk offers an overview of the experimental indicators and shows the novel interface designed to facilitate access to data and their visual presentation. The CID will develop over time in response to the needs of users and will remain subject to statistical feasibility.

Expected audience: Broad audience including climate experts, potential data users, and the general public. This event will substantiate the reference to the dashboard the MD would be making at the event A Critical Year for Climate Action: Conversation between Kristalina Georgieva and John Kerry) on April 7, 2021.

Video on demand coming soon.

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Analytical Corner:

Climate Change


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