Governance and Corruption

For the first time, the IMF is launching an external Anti-Corruption Challenge during the Annual Meetings. The Challenge is aimed at generating solutions of specific relevance for the IMF’s governance and anti-corruption agenda.

The one-day event will kick off with opening remarks by the IMF’s General Counsel followed by a series of four 45-minute panel discussions around challenges and opportunities in improving governance and fighting corruption.



Challenge Launch Event - Shining a Light on Corruption
The panel will discuss the 2018 Fund’s Framework for Enhanced Engagement on Governance and Corruption, its implementation, and key challenges and opportunities in this area. The session will also discuss the role of big data and technology in enhancing transparency and accountability and bolstering the fight against corruption. It will also launch the Anti-Corruption Challenge. 

Session 2 - Enhancing Governance in Public Finance - The Role of Data and Technology
Digital technology can be a powerful tool to reduce the opportunities for corruption by offering the prospect of greater oversight of government and stakeholders entrusted with a public office. How the use of technologies such as Blockchain (and other DLT), Open Data, or Artificial Intelligence by fiscal institutions can help enhance governance and reduce the scope for misappropriation of public funds? What are the policy and legal implications of using these technologies? Are there examples from countries where these technologies were successfully implemented in public finance? 

Session 3 - Promoting Good Governance in Central Banks: The Role of Non-Executive Directors

Robust Oversight Boards are critical to ensuring sound governance of, and mitigating corruption risk in, central banks. In turn, the effectiveness of an Oversight Board hinges on the quality of its non-executive directors. What are challenges and good practices in the selection of best possible non-executive directors? Which eligibility criteria could (or should not) be included in the central bank law? Which selection approaches and procedures are most conducive to selecting top candidates?

Session 4 - Tackling Corruption: Financial Disclosure Systems for Public Officials

Financial disclosure by public officials can serve multiple anti-corruption objectives at once and can support anti-money laundering and asset recovery efforts. Despite the growing prevalence of these systems and the advent of relevant new technologies, financial disclosure information is still largely underutilized. What does it take to ensure that an asset declaration system is effective? What are the different ways in which financial disclosure information could be used at the domestic and international levels to fight corruption and money laundering? What type of technological tools have been developed? What is the future of financial disclosures by public officials?

Session 5 - Fighting Money Laundering: The Use of Data for Financial Intelligence

Many countries struggle with accessing, verifying and analyzing financial data and beneficial ownership information to tackle corruption, money laundering and other financial crimes, even if such data is publicly available. What tools can we suggest to countries to increase their effectiveness in identifying and verifying beneficial ownership and enhance the transparency of companies and trusts? How can big data, technology and artificial intelligence more broadly be developed and used to identify suspicious activities and trace illegal assets?

Join the conversation: #anticorruption #IMFChallenge


IMF and Good Governance

Publication Date: March 27, 2019 

The IMF places great emphasis on promoting good governance when providing policy advicefinancial support, and technical assistance to its member countries. The IMF also has measures in place to ensure integrity, impartiality, and honesty in the discharge of its own professional obligations.

guidance note


The Cost Of Corruption

Graft results in lost tax revenue, but it also takes a social toll

By: Paolo Mauro, Paulo Medas, and Jean-Marc Fournier

