The panel will start with a conceptual discussion of the economics of data, including what makes it valuable, and how data policy should balance the benefits of sharing data while also respecting an individual’s right to privacy. It will then discuss the implications of data for innovation, competition, and financial stability, and explore future directions for the evolution of regulatory and competition frameworks.
Vikram Haksar |
Assistant Director, IMF |
Santiago Fernández de Lis |
Head of Regulation, BBVA |
Santiago Fernandez de Lis is currently Head of Regulation at BBVA. He is the former Director of the International Department of the Banco de España (the Spanish central bank). He is a member of the High Level advisory group on Finance and Technology of the IMF and until 2018 he was also chairman of the Banking Stakeholders Group of the European Banking Authority (EBA).
He joined the Banco de España in 1986, where he held several management positions, among them Head of the Monetary and Financial Division and Director of the International Department (2001-2007). Between 1998 and 2000 he worked in the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, in the secretariat of the Committee of the Global Financial System (CGFS).
He is an economist from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and he was a lecturer in Universidad Carlos III (Madrid). He is the author of several papers and publications on financial regulation, monetary policy, international economics and central banking.
Alessandro Acquisti |
Professor, Carnegie Mellon University |
Alessandro Acquisti is a Professor of Information Technology and Public Policy at the Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University, the PwC William W. Cooper Professor of Risk and Regulatory Innovation, and a Carnegie Fellow (inaugural class). He is the director of the Peex (Privacy Economics Experiments) lab at CMU, and the co-director of Carnegie Mellon’s CBDR (Center for Behavioral and Decision Research). Alessandro investigates the economics of privacy. His studies have spearheaded the investigation of privacy and disclosure behavior in online social networks, and the application of behavioral economics to the study of privacy and information security decision making. His studies have won numerous awards and have been published in journals, books, and proceedings across different fields, including Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Management Science, Journal of Economic Literature, Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and Journal of Experimental Psychology. Alessandro has testified before the U.S. Senate and House committees on issues related to privacy policy and consumer behavior. His findings have been featured in national and international media outlets, including the Economist, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the Financial Times, Wired.com, NPR, CNN, and 60 Minutes; his TED talks on privacy and human behavior have been viewed over 1.2 million times online. Alessandro holds a PhD from UC Berkeley, and Master degrees from UC Berkeley, the London School of Economics, and Trinity College Dublin.
Nasir Zubairi |
CEO, Luxembourg House of Fintech |
Nasir Zubairi is CEO of The LHoFT - The Luxembourg House of Financial Technology. He is also Non-Executive Board Director of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) S.A, sits on the IMF’s High Level Advisory Group on Finance and Technology and is a member of the digital steering committees of the Luxembourg Fund Association (ALFI) and the Luxembourg financial services regulator, the CSSF. Nasir has worked in Financial Services for over 20 years. He spent the first 13 years of his career working within Capital Markets at EBS, ICAP, HSBC, culminating in his role as Director of High Frequency Trading at RBS. As an entrepreneur, Nasir has helped build multiple Fintech businesses, including a bank, an insurance broker, several credit businesses and a payments company. He has advised the boards of leading financial institutions, central banks and governments. Nasir has worked in London, New York, Tokyo, Singapore, Berlin and Luxembourg. He has a BSc from the London School of Economics and is a Sloan Fellow from London Business School.
Klaus Martin Löber |
Head of the Oversight Division ECB |
Klaus Martin Löber is Head of the Oversight Division of the European Central Bank, in charge of the oversight of financial markets infrastructures and payments instruments. His areas or responsibility also encompass the ECB’s global regulatory policy activities with a focus on payments and market infrastructures. Furthermore, Mr Löber is contributing to the global fintech and digital innovations agenda, chairing the CPMI working group on digital currencies and co-chairing the CPMI-IOSCO working group on digital innovations looking into relevant developments. Prior to his current position, from 2012 to 2016, Mr Löber was Head of the Secretariat of the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) hosted by the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a global regulatory standard setting body in the areas of payments, clearing and settlement. Earlier positions include the European Central Bank, the European Commission, Deutsche Bundesbank and private practice. Mr Löber regularly publishes on financial markets legal, regulatory and infrastructure issues.