Analytical Corner

Session 1: Changing Societies

Recorded Q&A with presenters have been posted:

Migration: The Impact On Countries Of Origin And Receiving Countries

Dmitriy Rozhkov (Fiscal Affairs Department)
Magali Pinat (European Department)

Automation And Jobs: How Workers View The Future
Of Work

Carlos Mulas-Granados (European Department)

Session 2: Lives Under Lockdown

Recorded Q&A with presenters have been posted:

Covid-19 Lockdowns And Exits In Asia: Some Lessons

Pragyan Deb (Asia and Pacific Department)
Nour Tawk (Asia and Pacific Department)

Kurzarbeit – Germany’s Short-time Work Program

Ruo Chen (European Department)
Jean-Marc Natal (European Department)

The Great Lockdown: Dissecting The Economic Effects

Francesco Grigoli (Research Department)

Session 3: Technology in a New World

Recorded Q&A with presenters have been posted:

Digitalization And The Fight Against Covid-19 In Sub-saharan Africa

Felix Fernando Simione (African Department)
Martha Tesfaye Woldemichael (African Department)

It Shields: Technology Adoption And Economic Resilience During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Nicola Pierri (Research Department)
Yannick Timmer (Western Hemisphere Department)

Mobile Money And Covid-19: Opportunities And Challenges

Hector Carcel Villanova (Statistics Department)
Majid Bazarbash (Money and Capital Markets)

Session 4: A Fairer Recovery

Recorded Q&A with presenters have been posted:

Government Support To Firms During Covid-19: Benefits, Costs, And Risks

Bryn Battersby (Fiscal Affairs Department)
Elif Ture (Fiscal Affairs Department)

Social Spending For Inclusive Growth In The Middle East And Central Asia

Anastasia Guscina (Middle East and Central Asia Department)
Atif Saeed Chaudry (Middle East and Central Asia Department)

"Flattening The Curve” Of Insolvencies In The Time Of Covid-19

Chanda Delong (Legal Department)

Session 5: Climate Change/Scenario Planning

Recorded Q&A with presenters have been posted:

A Green Recovery For Sub-saharan Africa

Seung Mo Choi (African Department)
Genet Zinabou (Fiscal Affairs Department)

Mitigating Climate Change - Growth And Distribution-friendly Strategies

Marina Tavares (Research Department)
Simon Voigts (Research Department)

Better Than A Crystal Ball? Scenario Planning & Policy Gaming At The Imf

Alberto Bahar (Strategy, Policy, and Review Department)
Sandile Hlatshwayo (Strategy, Policy, and Review Department)